The Admissions Essay Opportunity You’re Missing in the Additional Info Section of the Common App
The Additional Information Section of the Common App is a gift from the Common App Gods! Even if you feel like you have nothing else to say, do not submit your application without utilizing this extra space.
Image sourced from The Common App
This is an extra opportunity to help stand out to the college admissions officers, who only have 12 minutes when looking at your application.
DO use it to explain any issues with your transcript
This section is great for explaining any discrepancies between your grades & disciplinary behavior that don’t align with your character but still might be on your record, and that hasn’t been mentioned elsewhere in your application. It’s an ideal additional space to demonstrate how you overcame adversity or have a plan to overcome it. That’s the kind of student schools are looking for, after all.
DON’T make excuses or avoid taking responsibility
Avoid blaming others or being overly indulgent in negativity, though. Focus less on excuses and focus more on taking ownership through your problem-solving skills. Highlight how this adversity hasn’t stopped you from moving on to other great things and how it shouldn’t be something the college admissions team worries about if you become a student there.
DO be mindful of how you sound
Similar to writing a successful waitlist letter, keep the tone positive and save your negative emotions (totally valid in this case) for a journaling session. Don’t blame others for your circumstance.
Just write, and worry about word count later. Think about how this is gonna help make your presentation of yourself more well-rounded.
DON’T make this a brag story
There is so much pressure to stand out, so I understand why you may be tempered to throw in a random essay about how you saved your community with a trash pick-up program. That said, this space is really there to explain any discrepancies or shed light on something the admissions team wouldn’t know from the rest of the application. They will see through that and it will come across as ingratiating.
And once you’re at this section, take your time and follow these steps to make sure everything is ready for submission!