Testimonial Tuesday: Admissions Essay High School Workshop at La Guardia
/Classic high school Yelena
In addition to my one-on-one work with students, I also love going back to school (#NERD) and hosting admissions essay seminars. Last week, I took over the ARISTA honor society meeting at La Guardia High School of Music & Performing Arts. I loved all the brilliant and eloquent students I met. We discussed how admission essays are different from the academic essays they're taught at school, why the personal statement can influence your acceptance, and the secret things admissions officers look for (and don't want to see) in your answer.
If you'd like to me to lead an admissions essay workshop at your school, please get in touch! I’m an official registered vendor with the Department of Education in NYC and work with both private and public schools in addition to community centers. Not in New York? I can Skype in and now offer online workshops. (Yay for technology!)
Yelena's presentation was so helpful! I now have a much better idea of how to modify my current essay. She even inspired me to consider of a variety of new topics I could talk about instead that I am more passionate about. Thanks to her presentation my essay will definitely be improved! -Skylar Bernstein
I found her presentation very informative and eye opening. I never realized writing a college essay would be so challenging. -Anastasia James
I felt her presentation clarified what I need to do for my college essay. She also helped me realize how I should prepare and my thought process for picking a topic, an opening sentence, mistakes, etc. She gave really helpful tips and strategies to come up with a topic and even introduced common app to me. I will definitely contact her when preparing my college essay. -Stacey Wong